Cancellation / Refund Policy

At Uttam Computer Training Center, we prioritize the quality of our online and offline courses to ensure your satisfaction. Please note that all purchases made through our website are final and non-refundable.

Course Purchases:

Once a course has been purchased, it is considered final and cannot be refunded.
We encourage customers to review course details and previews before making a purchase decision.

Ebook Purchases:

All ebook purchases are final and non-refundable.
Please ensure to review the provided information about the ebook before making a purchase.

Office Course Purchases:

Similar to online courses, offline course purchases are final and non-refundable.


Uttam Computer Training Center retains the right to decline refund requests.
Refunds will not be granted for any purchases made through unauthorized means.
We do not offer refunds for promotional items or bonuses included with purchases.
We appreciate your understanding of our no-refund policy. Should you encounter any issues with your purchase, please contact our support team at for assistance.

Thank you for choosing Uttam Computer Training Center for your learning needs. We are committed to providing you with valuable resources and exceptional service.

Updated On: 24-02-2024